"Pros' perspectives" is a feature series which sees a variety of well known past and present Counter-Strike professionals all giving their answer to a single question. In the seventh edition the panel of pros tell us who the best player they ever played alongside is.
Question: Who is the best player you ever played with?
da bears:
Pros' perspectives will return soon with another edition, as the panel of former and present day pros give their take on another of CS history's big questions.
Question: Who is the best player you ever played with?

I have to sayN1ckel from k23 team. He is the only person I'm really comfortable with, both in-game and in real life.
Probably this is because we've been through a lot together. And we have a sort of sixth sense when it comes to teamwork.

That's a though one, played with many great players. I thinkRobbaN is one of those players who got it all. Calm and smart, good clutch player, it was really easy to play with him, he made it easy!

Markeloff. We had played a few months in A-gaming. Though, those days he wasn't as good as now.

It's betweenfnx and
cogu for sure, but I can't say only one of them. I mean cogu was so good and his dedication to play CS was just crazy because he wanted to play more than anyone in the world, I remember him saying that we needed the will to win more than anyone else, while fnx had a really unique playstyle, being so aggressive and getting so many kills every match, everything looked so easy for him.

Juzam would always wow me. We lost him to World of Warcraft, unfortunatly, before the rest of the CS universe realized how good he was. The fact that he was doing it all with an inverted mouse makes it even more ridiculous.

f0rest - Of course I have had team-mates that during a short period have performed better than him, but in general it's easy to say he was the team's best player, and potentially the best player in the history of CS 1.6. However, I have in recent times started to believe NEO might be slightly ahead of f0rest all in all, as he also masters AWP and is almost always performing well despite that his team-mates are not on the same level as f0rest's, in my opinion.

I would have to sayHare (Michael O'Toole ). What made him such a great player was his: ability to lead, organize practice and most importantly, his attitude. His team spirit and personality really made the team mesh together and has changed my perspective on life.

f0rest a couple of years back. He had everything: aim, character and good team play.

For sure, it was pro100kekc, might be that you've never heard about him, but he is goooood.

Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert

I think that would bef0rest. A really calm and good player.

SpawN for sure, simply because he did things that were way before their time. The way he read the game and just calmly did his thing to turn rounds his way. Also very lethal with the AWP.

I would say that the most explosive player - a guy that could save a round from certain defeat - would have to ben0thing. However, the most consistent player would be
fRoD. He never seemed to miss a shot in a big moment and always played well in big matches.


I played with some of the best players in the German scene, but my pick is my good friendfatih "gob" dayik. He educated most stuff himself, he never stopped learning from his and others' experience and I am pretty sure, that he is the player with the biggest knowledge in the game. Most important was his motivation, when he wanted a win, everybody could feel it.

The best player I ever played with on a team wasruuit, whose teammate I was from summer 2006 until spring 2009 with a break in between. I have never played with another player who could make such an impact on a match. While his style had its downsides, like any other, he was a real impact player who really could win rounds or even maps on his own, and I believe he did a few times too.
I remember more than a couple of matches where ruuit would show up with very few hours on STEAM and simply dominate and put up 30 frags. He was one of those incredibly talented players who didn't really need to practice to play at his top level, which makes you wonder if he had even more potential given more motivation.

It must bezonic, I have played with him for several years and this guy is amazing. Always motivated and always wants to improve.

That prize goes to either elemeNt or sNajdan, just because they were the bomb at that time. Both were great up and coming talents who went on to do great things in CS.

The most talented player on pure skill basis that I've played with would have to beruuit. He was a proper "make or break" player, as he could single-handidly destroy teams.

TaZ, because he's the only person who can screw up something so much and position himself as badly as it is possible, and still win the situation. It just shows he's the best aimer ever.

Xizt. He developed to become a real complete player.

MODDII is the best player I have ever played together with in a team. Even though he had some difficulties back then in behaving, I can't deny that he is the best.

ruuit, nobody plays like he plays. You never know what he's gonna do next. Random style to play.

Heaton, he had a great career and a great passion for the game.

That’s a really tough question to answer because of the large amount of players and time frame I had played the game. The label “best” is also tough to establish, because there are so many factors to consider when claiming the best player.
If you are speaking of raw fragging and damage output, I would putBigDog,
Ksharp, and
Method out there any day of the week when their game is on. As far as strategy contribution,
Chameleon (Porter) and
Moto were always being innovative. In the general team play aspect,
Volcano, and
Warden were never late for practice and always played with a positive attitude.
I know I am leaving a lot of names out, but they should take no offense, because whenever I joined a team, I always wanted to surround myself with good people and great talent.

I think it'salex without a question. He brings qualities to the team no other person could offer.


Really hard queston for me to answer. I've played with so many great players, but I think the one who impressed me the most and I felt could carry a team by himself must bePotti in team9 and NiP.


I must saySunde and
trace. I say Sunde because of the impact he played when we won our tournaments back in 2008. He was the key to our success, even though I think we all pretty much stepped up. He always got a frag with the AWP, and I think it helped us in so many situations. However when it comes down to raw skill I point to trace, since he is a perfect player on so many levels.
Pros' perspectives will return soon with another edition, as the panel of former and present day pros give their take on another of CS history's big questions.
f0rest should be #1 on the individual playerlist with cArn slightly behind, but will be even more interesting to read the entire top60 for that article!
men man viste att skogen skulle ligga i top. Sen att räkmackan carn skulle göra samma
Trodde FYRR73 å grabbarna skulle ligga högre än så ;/
3943630.49 sek om man slår ihop när dom spela med luq/pasha
cArn och dsn är snäppet vassare.
Totalt på listan så har dom dragit in $674,088 (är garanterat mer än så under årens gång).
Så $134,817.6 vardera och med dagens växlningskurs så blir det lite drygt 900,000kr vardera som dom har spelat in :)
Fast f0rest har nog spelat in mest med sina $145,477.6 och omvandlat till dryga 1,000,000kr :P
Inget liv? Vem syftar du på?:) Mig, som gjorde en uträkning som tog ca 1½ minut eller dom som spelar?:)
Har aldrig refererat till att dom hade fått samtliga pengar i fickan, utan vilken spelare som hade spelat ihop mest pengar :)
21. $75,000 - NiP 2006 (SpawN, RobbaN, zet, ins and walle)
Lite förvånad att spiXel inte är med, dock kanske de inte vann så mycket pengar som man trodde.
great work, Thorin.