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Potti 'Grilled': NiP 00-01, SK 02-04, NiP 05 and famous team-mates

Tommy "Potti" Ingemarsson is the star of the 11th episode of my 'Grilled' video interview feature. The original grandmaster of Swedish CS discusses his career from 2000-2005, including his time spent in the different lineups of NiP and SK.

Topics discussed:

00:05 Intro

00:10 When did Potti first get good?

03:39 The story of winning Babbage's 4on5, due to having to use a quake 3 player stand-in.

05:04 How different was the feeling in the pre-1.5 era in terms of being able to individually dominate?

06:21 Why didn't stick he together with XeqtR, like he did with HeatoN?

08:12 Playing with XeqtR.

09:23 XeqtR's strengths

10:03 Playing whole career with HeatoN, almost.

11:14 MedioN and Hyb

12:43 Ultimate NiP lineup of 2001: Potti, HeatoN, ahl, MedioN and Hyb.

14:14 Effects of 1.5 changes in terms of spray/recoil on HeatoN.

15:57 NiP vs. X3 at CPL Winter 2001 final. Potti's match-up vs. BigDog at outside.

17:59 SK.swe 2003 run.

19:25 Opposing players he always thought were really good.

20:27 Was there ever a player he wanted to play with but the timing wasn't right?

21:27 How the idea to use different firing techniques came to him.

22:35 Bringing SpawN into SK.swe.

23:57 Falling off after the SK.swe 2003 run, elemeNt leaving.

24:57 2004 problems.

26:31 2005 lineup, why it didn't work.

29:09 CPL Winter 2005 run through the lower bracket ending with loss to JaX Money Crew.

30:22 Did loss to JMC play any role in his decision to retire?

31:57 How Potti would have managed in the era of NEO and f0rest.

33:26 Never winning ESWC.

35:04 Rivalry with vesslan.

36:59 vesslan's teams winning Clikarena and ESWC w/o facing SK, would SK have beaten them?

38:29 The famous rivalry with X3/3D players.

39:41 More money in latter days of CS, how life-changing was the money in the early days?

41:37 Having to wait months to have a chance to win a big tournament.

43:22 How key was winning big tournaments to Potti's life?

45:13 Finding something to fill the hole of CS when pros quit.

46:45 Being an older player amongst the pros of his era.

47:49 Did being older help his composure/nerves?

48:53 Describing Potti's playing style/skills.

50:22 Message for the public/final words.

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