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Pros' perspectives: Best player faced

"Pros' perspectives" is a feature series which sees a variety of well known past and present Counter-Strike professionals all giving their answer to a single question. In the sixth edition the panel of pros tell us who the best player they ever squared off against in a server was.

Question: Who is the best player you ever faced?

GeT_RiGhT, hands down. All of the games we played against him, he was a real threat. Always being on top in terms of fragging against us, and his playstyle is unpredictable.
f0rest was the worst player a couple years back to play against for sure, he always had such sick games against us (SK) so I gotta pick him I think. f0rest Q_Q
My biggest opponent was again and again MJE. I loved to play the mTw team in 2008, but not against him...
Edward and GeT_RiGhT. Edward has the most consistent aim and the best sense of control over the bullets he shoots. GeT_RiGhT is the player who can make the utmost of any situation. He is not unpredictable, he is just doing unbelievable things.
I would say f0rest is the best player I've ever played against for sure. I remember back to 2007/2008 when we were playing a lot of tournaments and we had a really difficult time playing fnatic. Even if we knew what f0rest was going to do it was really hard to counter that.
In my early days, it was always Potti. After he stopped, it was f0rest and REAL.
NEO - I think few players have destroyed us as many times as NEO has with his excellent game.
da bears:
dsn has always given me problems in matches. His awp would pick us apart and frustrate us.
NEO. He usually makes quick work of his enemies.
AdreNt0t0 from Republic of KazakhstaN.
That would be NEO, it seems that he always has the game of his lives against us :D
f0rest, personally I think he is the reason why fnatic had such success. His ability to take out multiple targets is just insane.
Markeloff. He is a player who doesn't make any mistakes in the game. One of the very few complete playersin the scene: he is an outstanding AWPer, good rifler and pistol player, and is smart too.
I think if you look at my career objectively, markeloff and his teams have always caused the most trouble against me. It's kind of funny because he has told me the first time his team beat mine at DTS Cup in 2008, his strat caller was so nervous he didn't call any strats and markeloff would just jump around by himself and hit every shot, even though according to him his hand was shaking like crazy.

Since then I've never beaten Na`Vi in an actual match, I've won some maps here and there in best-of-three but never an actual match. I think the fact markeloff is an AWPer makes a difference too, because when used effectively (which is most of the time) he can do the most damage out of anyone.
NEO, no doubt.
SpawN COS HE MY DAAAAAWG and he hella scary when he got his shit going. He was the black hulk, he was unstoppable.
f0rest has always been a bitch to play against just because he is just that good. He has caused me and my teams numerous headaches with his individual performances. He has the amazing ability of pulling off impossible rounds for his team.
f0rest. There was a time when he had only few bullets left in his USP, but we still knew he could just make us disappear.
f0rest. Well, the best player in the world IMO.
I have played against a lot of good players, and one player I rarely won against is f0rest. I remember him always playing great against my teams, even though he had played three bad games before playing against us, and then just owning, strange.
f0rest, after I saw the ineye-demo against us (fnatic vs. Logitech) at Gamegune 07, I became a fan.
Ksharp, he was always tricky and very skilled, a good all-around player.
Honestly, whenever I played matches during tournaments, I never really checked the scoreboard to see the frag numbers, only to see the round wins. I do remember having a couple of battles with those SK guys back in the day, as well as compLexity.
I think it’s GeT_RiGhT. He is always in the right place at the right time and gives a fatal blow to the opponent.
I gotta say it's not easy to answer these questions so long after I retired. I didn't have many problems with any opponents early on in my career, so I'll pick some players from the latter part, and then people like NEO and f0rest were not very fun to play against.
What a silly question to be honest. There is no doubt in my mind that NEO is the best player ever to have played this game. He is in my book the most consistent player in the world and I can't count how many times he has been the reason for a Polish trophy.

Pros' perspectives will return soon with another edition, as the panel of former and present day pros give their take on another of CS history's big questions.

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