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History of the World e-Sports Masters (WEM)

This is just a quick note to let people know I've published an article entitled "History of the World e-Sports Masters" over at Team Acer. The idea behind the article was to bring all the SC2/LoL fans up to speed on the history of WEM/WEG, since this is the first year their games have been featured in it.

With that said, being as every previous year featured Counter-Strike 1.6, as well as WarCraft III, I thought I'd let you know about it so you can take a look if you fancy a trip down memory lane.

From NoA's title at the first event to f0rest's first big international splash, winning the second season with Begrip, right through to the 2009 event which probably got fnatic and the 2010 event where walle and company somehow let WeMade FOX take the title from them.

From the section on wNv.gm's victory in the third season:
wNv.gm lost only one map over the course of the entire tournament, in the final to project_kr, and defeated the likes of NoA, Asylum, team9, JMC and project_kr. Their run saw them take four non-Asian scalps, numbers unheard of for an Asian team, as they stormed to the $50,000 first place prize. The legend of wNv.gm and Jungle, their star player, had been established.
You can read the entire thing here.

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