"Pros' perspectives" is a feature series which sees a variety of well known past and present Counter-Strike professionals all giving their answer to a single question. In the fifth edition find out which other player stands out as the most over-rated of all time to our panel.
Question: Who is the most over-rated player ever?
da bears:
Pros' perspectives will return soon with another edition, as the panel of former and present day pros give their take on another of CS history's big questions.
Question: Who is the most over-rated player ever?

IMHOModdi. I often hear something like: "OMG, Moddi's better than Forest" and "IMHO best player ever". But judging from what I've seen, he still has a lot of things to learn.


KIKOOOO, not a bad player, but overrated.

knoxville got a lot out of very little for a long time! :)

There are quite a few I can think about, but since I have yet to play with them I'll leave my final verdict on them before that happens, if ever. To give a bit more of an interesting answer I can add that many retired old school players must be considered as over-rated when reading people's comments on them such as when some might think these players can return today and make impact.

I hate to throw this guy under a bus but I think it wasaimetti. So many fanboys for a guy that released a cs movie and thats it.



Don't know if there is one? I believe that players have a peak where people think someone is really good. But one or some events after that there is always a new player having a good tournament.

Method, probably because people has always spoken about him as some kind of god (back in the days when I played). He is a great guy and a good player but all of the times I've faced him he hasn't lived up to the things people said about him.

There are a bunch of players who you would think are among the world's best at something but in reality have only done well in some CS movies. You could pick better players who are also over-rated in my opinion, but I think the Swedish CS movie star "fury" who supposedly has never attended LANs has to be the most overrated player there is. Never before have I seen so much talk about someone who has probably never scored double digit frags on LAN - just proves how ridiculously much people value CS movies and highlights.

n0thing, or maybe the most hyped, don’t know.

Luke and of course my favorite "bad boy"
zonic, who's like the token black guy in scary movies who always *drum roll* dies first.

Maybevesslan. He tried to make CS into american football and it succeeded until a certain point, but when people learned to do the unexpected more often – his way of thinking shattered like a house of cards. I didn't see him as anything special individually either, except for pretty okay AWPing at one point or another back in the days.

cArn, but probably only because he started making such a big deal about him being the best in-game leader (and player) ever. He was good, but not as good as the story says.

FYRR73. nuff said

It's quite hard for me to say who is the most over-rated player of all time, since I havent been around for that long. But as far as I know, I'd say thatGeT_RiGhT is one of the most over-rated players of all time. Not to flame him, he is a very good player, but he isn't as good as people say he is. I can easily say that if f0rest would go on and play the same style as GeT_RiGhT does, he would have been GeT_RiGht x3.
GeT_RiGhT is a very defensive guy. I dont recall him going for those early entries, or suiciding for the team. If he would have been a player like that, he wouldn't have been a guy top-listed in the statistics. To sum it up with the statistics, it only shows which guy is the one not dying the most. I also remember my fellow players in fnatic saying that GeT_RiGhT was the best player before HLTV.org came up with the statistics part. Before that he played for the team, after the statistics he played for himself. Why? I dont know 100%, but my hypothesis is that he satisfies himself with reading all the comments after the game and seeing himself among the top players.
It's sad how a thing like statistics can change a player from playing for the team to playing for himself. I know this is true about GeT_RiGhT, and even though other players in his team wouldn't agree on this I still know that deep inside they are thinking the same. People then might say, why are they keeping him if he is as over-rated as you state? A lot of reasons, one, he is still good, as I have said earlier. He is among the professional players. But, he is a great brand, something that is valuable to the organisations. He does a lot for the community which in the end is good for the organisation he is playing for because as long as he is bringing in money, he will be there where he is today, in the best team.

Most overrated player might befoxj, if you didn't know anything about CS and just read forums for a few months you would probably think he would be as good as markeloff or some AWP player, but in reality even though he isn't a bad player, he is just an average player from a country with no good teams.

I think it would be me, at least that is what I believe. I have never won a world class tournament for my team, so I want to accomplish this dream.



Hmm, I don't know really. ProbablyfRoD, since everybody (including themselves) expected to need only 2-3 months to get back on the top level when they came back from CGS. I remember we felt kind of disrespected in mTw because they didn't play 1.6 for over a year, and to come back and expect it would only take 2-3 months to get back to OUR level seemed like saying "The European teams haven't moved that much in the past year".
Pros' perspectives will return soon with another edition, as the panel of former and present day pros give their take on another of CS history's big questions.
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