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Blast Premier: Spring Groups 2023


19 Januari 2023 - N/A


The 2023 Blast Premier Spring is the most explosive, engaging, and entertaining esports event in the world. It is a global circuit of events that deliver elite-level Counter-Strike and world-class entertainment for everyone. Blast Premier is a global circuit event that offers a whopping $177,498 prize pool.


Group Stage will be played in three GSL format groups, All matches are played in a best-of-one series.

Play-In Stage will be played in a three single-elimination bracket, All matches are played in a best-of-three series.

Last Chance Stage will be played in a Single Elimination Bracket, All matches are played in a best-of-three series.

Toplist bites won

1 Armon 8 5926
2 1kk PHYZ 7 1330
3 kane5100 2 822
4 Trollis88 1 276
5 mtI 2 -226
6 Huracearman 1 -500
7 RvhtOtO 11 -1311

Toplist correct bets

1 Armon 8 7 (87%)
2 RvhtOtO 11 6 (54%)
3 1kk PHYZ 7 6 (85%)
4 kane5100 2 2 (100%)
5 Trollis88 1 1 (100%)
6 mtI 2 1 (50%)
7 Huracearman 1 0 (0%)
