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Hejsan fragbite!

My alias is Thorin and, thanks to the good folks at fragbite, I'll be writing about Counter-Strike 1.6 via this blog from now on. Up until the beginning of this month I was the Editor-in-Chief at SK Gaming, a position I had held since September of 2009. Prior to that I worked in a similar capacity, as an editor and event journalist, for sites such as Swedish community site Gamers.nu, which those of you who played CS before 2005 might remember, and North American community site ESEA. My interest in CS goes back to 2001, when CS stopped just being a Half-Life mod I had been playing and became something I was interested in competitively, in a similar vein to my prior interest in Quake.

When I decided to leave SK and find some esports work elsewhere I knew most of the other organisations and outlets in the scene had moved on to SC2 and LoL as their primary focuses, so I decided I'd continue to write about the games I hold dearest (CS 1.6, SC:BW and Quake) on a volunteer basis for big community sites within those games. When it came to CS 1.6 fragbite was one of my first choices and I'm appreciative that the staff of the site was open to the idea, being as it means having someone writing in English on a Swedish website.

So what can you expect via this blog? Well, I don't like grand promises and announcements of things to come, since so often they end up underwhelming the audience if the person doesn't deliver, so for now I'll just tell you what you I have lined up for the near future. I have some interviews, both text and video, with some famous players, past and present, already in the can. I have some in-depth articles about some legendary names planned out. I also have some regular features prepared, which will allow a good framework for regular updates and also give you guys the chance to give your own opinions. Finally, being as I've always been a connoisseur of CS POV demos and frag movies you can expect a review feature bringing you new, recent and classic movies to watch or rediscover, respectively.

That's enough from me for now, the next time you see this blog updated it will be with some significant content. So when that time comes you can prepare a beverage of your choosing and sit down to some fragbite content with an English twist ;)

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