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Starcraft II Grand finals tournament in WCG

Postat av dougieibara den 21 Juli 2019, 06:43
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Recently wcg released starcraft II as one of their games in the tournament and fans would be invited to team up with the pros

*Maru - Korea
*Neeb - USA
*Reynor - Italy
*Cyan - China

Double Elimination Bracket
In the first match Cyan got elimated by Neeb with 2 points and on the second match it was Maru VS Reynor, Maru won with 2 points and defeated Neeb in the winners bracket which secured Maru in winning the gold medal.

On the other side of the bracket which was the losers bracket Cyan was eliminated by Reynor with 2 points and Competed with Neeb at the next match. Neeb lost to Reynor with 2 points which leads to Reynor being the second placer in the WCG starcraft II

Official standing

Gold: Maru
Silver: Reynor
Bronze: Neeb

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