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Största CS2-uppdateringen hittills släppt – här är alla viktigaste nyheter

Äntligen får vi en ny stor uppdatering till Counter-Strike 2.
Efter flera månaders väntan på nytt content till Counter-Strike 2 har speltillverkaren Valve nu äntligen släppt en ny stor uppdatering med flera spännande nyheter. Här är alla viktigaste nyheter i uppdateringen "A Call To Arms".

Spelläget Arms Race är tillbaka!

När CS2 släpptes saknades flera spellägen som fanns i föregångaren Global Offensive. I nattens uppdatering har Valve implementerat ett av de mer populära spellägena — Arms Race.

I spelläget slåss spelare mot varandra i en free-for-all på mindre kartor. Vid varje kill byts spelarnas vapen ut och läget går ut på att den spelare som först får en kill med antingen en kniv eller en Zeus vinner.

De två Arms Race-kartorna Baggage och Shoots har också implementerats i spelet genom uppdateringen.

Skins, stickers, music kit och stickers-placering

Genom uppdateringen släpper Valve det första caset till Counter-Strike 2 — The Kilowatt Case. I caset finns 17 nya skins, bland annat Olympus, som är det första Zeus-skinet någonsin i spelet, och den nya kniven Kukri.

Förutom skins har också 21 nya stickers och sex nya music kits släppts i spelet. En stor nyhet är också att Valve utökar antalet stickers man kan sätta på ett vapen till fem stycken per vapen samt gör det möjligt att placer stickers var som helst på vapnet.

Slut på peeker's advantage?

Förutom det nya spelläget och de nya kosmetiska möjligheterna släpps också flera viktiga ändringar i spelets gameplay. Utifrån uppdateringens patch notes ser de viktigaste ändringarna ut att vara kopplade till det så kallade peeker's advantage.

Genom uppdateringen försöker Valve uttryckligen att åtgärda de problem som spelare upplever med peeker's advantage. Under rubriken "Networking" listar utvecklaren fem åtgärder som vidtagits för att eliminera problemet.

Flera andra ändringar

Förutom de ovan listade ändringarna har Valve gjort ändringar i kartor, spelets UI, ljudet och gameplay. Se fullständiga patch notes nedan för att få en överblick av samtliga uppdateringar.

Fullständiga patch notes
Added Arms Race to available game modes
Added maps "Baggage" and "Shoots"

Introducing the Kilowatt Case, featuring 17 community-designed weapon finishes, and the Kukri Knife with original finishes as a rare special item
Various bug fixes and tweaks

The Ambush Sticker Capsule is now available for purchase
Added support for flexible sticker placement. Stickers can now be placed at user-specified positions and rotation when applied to weapons
All weapons now support up to five stickers
Added a zoom feature during sticker placement to allow for higher precision sticker application
Various bug fixes and tweaks

The NIGHTMODE Music Kit Box is now available for purchase in standard and StatTrak versions

[ ZEUS ]
Made Zeus reusable in all game modes, after a 30 second recharge delay
Added support for applying stickers and name tags to the Zeus
Adjusted the Zeus first person model position
Added Zeus kill icon to kill cards and post round damage report

Smokes now cast shadows
Rendering and animation have been improved

Added a "Refund All" button to the buy menu
Added a setting to disable first person bullet tracers
Silencers can now always be reattached regardless of whether detaching them is enabled or not
Player pings are no longer blocked by invisible geometry
Various adjustments to sub-tick shooting
Fixed several cases where players could silently drop down vertical surfaces
Improved smoothness of sliding along surfaces
Fixed an issue where collisions between players were jittery
To ensure loadouts are correct at the beginning of matches, loadout changes are no longer allowed while searching for Premier, Competitive, or Wingman

Added the option to select an audio input device for VOIP from the audio settings menu
Added the option to change your microphone threshold (the minimum loudness before we start transmitting audio) from the audio options menu, as well as metering for your current mic loudness
Added the option to listen to your own microphone from the audio settings menu to hear how you sound
Replaced the M249 fire sound effect
Replaced the Zeus charging, charge not available and charge ready states sound effects
Further reduced occlusion effects
Minor mix adjustments
Fixed an issue where some player-centric sounds were being perceived as originating from slightly behind the player

Reduced peeker's advantage in many cases
The amount of peeker's advantage in the steady state is reduced by 16ms
Also reduced the frequency of situations that lead to very large peeker's advantage due to excessive command queue depth
Added cl_ticktiming console command that prints a report breaking down the various sources of latency
Added an option to buffer server updates and user commands by one or more packets. This can be used to smooth over stuttering due to packet loss, at the expense of increased latency

[ UI ]
Added support for separate main menu and item inspect background map settings
Added "Baggage" and "Warehouse" as options for the main menu and item inspect background maps
In-game team-only chat will now be prefixed with the team (e.g., "[T]" or "[CT]")
Added 'XP Overload' status which is awarded to players who have earned all of their normal XP during the week (11,166 XP) and reached reduced XP gain. XP Overload status is attached to players' names in scoreboard, main menu, death notices, etc. XP Overload status is awarded for a minimum of one week. Additional tiers of XP Overload status can be unlocked by earning all of the normal XP over multiple consecutive weeks
Agents with unique end-of-match cheer animations now have unique defeat animations as well. You can disable playing defeat animations for the local player in settings
Added more accolades to end-of-match

[ MISC ]
Adjusted the range of CS Ratings allowed to party together in Premier matchmaking
Fixed a case where high-DPI mice would result in jittery mouse movement
Minor improvements to animations during demo playback
Disabled rich presence update when running Steam Client in tournament mode

[ MAPS ]

Fixed various gaps and adjusted grenade collision to make grenade bounces more predictable
Adjusted texture blending to improve player visibility

Adjusted grenade collision on bombsite B ground to make grenade bounces more predictable

Fixed holes in world at Lower Tunnel
Fixed collision on all pillars so players can no longer pixel boost
Fixed collision so utility does not fall out of world on top of structure at T Start
Fixed missing collision on steps at Street which would allow dropped weapons to fall out of world
Improved vis at CT spawn
Fixed invisible boost ledge at Bombsite B
Fixed various gaps in the world
Fixed missing collision on stair geo at CT spawn that allowed weapons/bomb to fall out of world
Fixed missing collision at Fountain that allowed weapons/bomb to fall out of world
Fixed some doors not generating bullet decals
Fixed vis issue at Street

Fixed some collision that was causing unpredictable player movement

Added collision to prevent bomb becoming unreachable
Adjusted some collision to prevent a ledge/pixel walk
Fixed player getting stuck when strafing on Middle Ramp by simplifying geo of floor and wall
Removed a clip brush from Apartments to improve flash lineups

Built some collision to prevent bomb from getting stuck behind barrels
Fixed some disappearing mesh.
Fixed dynamic shadow clipping on characters at Vending
Improved clipping in vents
Fixed bombsite water to have better reflections on low settings
Fixed vis issue at t-spawn
Fixed collision on ramp in Bombsite B
Fixed holes in world

Fixed holes in world and other minor geometry bugs

Adjusted some collision to prevent players getting stuck in apartment

Fixed a case where players could jump on a wall, fixed a case where players could get stuck if they crouched

Artikelbild: Pressbild/Valve
Videokälla: Valve

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