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The Life of a WoW-man

Postat av FozyX den 12 Maj 2008, 22:40
43 kommentarer · 26 träffar

My name is Bob, I'm 32 years old, divorced, lonely and addicted to WoW.
I lost my job last week but thats good because now I can play WoW all day every day.

What is life?
Is it going out?
Is it having a wife?
Is it having a job?


Life for me is eating copious amounts of junk food, drinking ridiculous amounts of sugary drinks and playing WoW until the early hours of the morning. Let me put my addiction into perspective:

My family used to phone me while i was raiding, so I disconnected my phone line. I now have zero contact with the outside world aside from WoW and the forums. Thats how I like it. How do I support my self? Welfare. I broke my legs so I would be considered as handicapped. The government provided me with a means to move around easily, electrically operated of course, and replaced all the stairs in my house with ramps. It made me smile.

Why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this to show you that life has no concrete definition. There is no such statement as "Get a life" because everybody has their own life. My life is WoW, my neighbors life is marijuana, my mothers life is..... well I don't know since I haven't spoken to her in over a year.

Now to the matter at hand: WoW is the greatest creation of our time. There are people who wine and cry about this or that but at it's core WoW has provided hope and joy to millions. Millions who would otherwise be working till late in the evening and waking up early in the mornings.

W- Wonderful game
O- Of
W- Win

That is what WoW represents to me. That is what WoW represents to millions. I sit in Shattrath sometimes, just sit, and admire the beauty and splendor of this bustling city. A blistering beam of light radiates from the centre representing life and acceptance of all. The contrasts between the neat and royal Scyrer's tier to the dirty squalor of the Lower City. Both are as beautiful as the other because beauty is not skin deep.

The heroes that make up the living populace of the Azeroth and Outland are equally fascinating and varied. They are living people within a living world no different to the 'real' world. Every person is unique, every person is beautiful, every person is powerful. From the level 1 Orc Warrior spamming gold adverts from China to the graceful Night Elf rogue, solo tanking Mother Sharaz from his apartment in Rome, each and every character is vital and important.

Why would one choose to live in the concrete world, full of hatred, evil, darkness ad cruelty when one could rather live in a breath-taking world where heroes rule and every person has equal opportunity to find their niche ins life?

To sum up,
My name is Bob, I'm 32 years old, divorced and lonely but I am happy.
Because happiness is not found in the things you surround yourself with but rather from within yourself.
I. Am. Unique.

Hahaha, vilken kille asså. Bryter sina egna ben för att kunna spela WoW =D. Hands down for Bob, the ruler of the games.

Diskution: Har du några tankar på att göra något liknade som Bob?

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