Vilket är ditt absoluta favoritcitat från League of Legends alla champions? Gör gärna en topplista som jag, t ex 1-5!
1. "Me, mad? Haha... quite likely." -Thresh
2. "Summon me, and you'll like the way you look. I Garen-tee it. Get it?" -Garen
3. "I ain't got time to bleed." -Graves
4. "I'll Bite Your Legs Off!" -Gentleman Cho'Gath
5. "This place disgusts me." -Nocturne
"Blindness is no impairment against a smelly enemy" - Lee Sin
"Force is meaningless without skill" - Lee Sin
"I am the fire that cleanses the world" - Brand
"You stink" - Twitch
Min favorit iallafall!
this is gonna tickel - graves