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[BO2] Night Cup #1

Postat av iQPADisaak den 18 November 2012, 17:46
0 kommentarer · 694 träffar
Kör den på engelska så jag sitter översätta :)

Vad tycker ni om bo2? Är ni sugan på att lira lite? :)

Good evening gentlemen!

As an attempt to boost the activity in Black Ops 2 I will host a one night cup tonight for teams/mixes that want to try out the competitive side of the game. The idea of the cup is to run it as a test tournament to see how it works out and how we can improve things for future bigger tournaments. The cup will start at 16 slots and expand on interest, using the BINARYBEAST bracket form. Admins (to start off) will be myself and isaak. If you are interested in helping add my steam: fiiixzZ(also for improvements & suggestions). As contact form we will be using IRC:

SIGN UP LINK: binarybeast.com/xCODBO1211181# participants

Or PM froz or isak in #teamproperty and we will add you manually!

#teamproperty @ QUAKENET

ESL ruleset will be used and can be found here:
www.tek-9.org/forum/call_of_du ty_series-46/call_of_duty_blac k_ops-73/black_ops_2_pcws_esl_ rules_mapl
ist_updated-118420.html?p age=2

The only exception to these rules will be HITMARKERS ON. Make sure somebody in your team has this config as a saved preset for faster hosting.

To sign up you will have to join #teamproperty @ QUAKENET and pm either me or isaak with your team name and line-up. The cup starts 20.00 GMT+1.

Also looking for someone to stream & cast this cup!

Info summary:
Start time: 20.00 CET (GMT+1)
Maps: r1: Overflow , r2: Yemen , r3: Slums , r4: Standoff
Admins: froz & isak (add fiiixzZ on steam if you want to contribute)
IRC: #teamproperty
Sign-up: PM an admin on IRC with team name, nationality & line-up or do it yourself on binarybeast.com/xCODBO1211181# participants

Good luck & have fun!

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