Hej såg precis att RWJ är bannad från youtube
www.youtube.com/raywilliamjohn son
Så jag blev lite nyfiken ifall någon vet den exakta anledningen för detta? Han hade ju den mest subbade kanalen på hela jävla youtube så det måste ju ha varit något rejält :O
ty på förhand
edit http://www.google.co.uk/suppor t/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=0 d81b29c6d9b7c2e&hl=en
Jonathan Reichert:
Then get on the ball and terminate IGN, Machinima, and Cisco and Ebert's accounts. You sir have made a big mistake terminating RWJ. Expect no mercy from us RWJ fans.
Sylvester Michael Johnson:
IGN, Machinima, and Cisco and Ebert really do the same thing as Ray did. /end sarcasm. I didn't close his account, by the way.
Jonathan Reichert:
They review copyrighted material, that is against the TOS by your terms.
Sylvester Michael Johnson:
Johnathan, just because he was number one doesn't make him immune to copyright strikes.
Jonathan Reichert:
I smell a lawsuit coming. And youtube losing many users. Also he made you guys most of your money. Since all youtube cares about money now adays
Sylvester Michael Johnson:
Johnathan, he can only sue the person who filed the claim, not YouTube.
Jonathan Reichert:
I am not saying anything about him being number one. I am saying there are thousands of other accounts doing movie, youtube viodeo, and video game reviews.
Sylvester Michael Johnson:
Look, video game reviews aren't braking any copyright nor are movie reviews IF they are under the "Fair Use" clause.
Milan Stanivuk:
It's because he is making money out of them.
Jonathan Reichert:
You ever hear about the story about how ICP got out of thier disney contract? Google it. Expect the same to happen with this whole situation
Sylvester Michael Johnson:
Right! At least someone understands it. Thanks, MIlan.
Sylvester Michael Johnson:
Jonathan, I don't have time to do that right now, but if there is going to be a
counterclaim, let it be.
Claudia Maria Kelly:
he got her more views and her video has an ad on it so she was making money... she should be thankful!
Jf Beaulieu:
rofl so then if you made a video and had a potential chance to make money from it, and along comes this guy with a pompous look on his face, takes ur video and starts to make money from it, you wouldn't in the lease wonder why ur not making money from a video you made and/or caught on film urself? please don't kid urself
https://www.facebook.com/youtu be/posts/334370296578786
Här läs själva :p