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Liknande lyircs

Postat av noips den 5 April 2011, 11:15
4 kommentarer · 258 träffar
Söker efter låtar med liknande lyrics som

http://open.spotify.com/track/ 4GNVRDZ8GGNPqau7nOLxvH
"Wave the flags, as they march off to war.
The body bag count, doesn't matter anymore.
How quickly we become, uncivilized,
when the dirt kicked, is kicked in our eyes.

A world away, we drop bombs.
While back at home,
every car has a flag sticker on.
And we sing patriotic songs.
And no one knows,
what's really going on..

Open your eyes, they're killing kids.
We're supposed to be the better man.
We're doing the same things they did.
We bomb a wedding. We bomb our allies
We bomb and we bomb.
Let the bombs decide! Let the bombs decide!"

http://open.spotify.com/track/ 2N0mtHm4GstV9ltktz6RBS
"So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in

Drop dead
A bullet to my head
Your words are like a gun in hand
Can't change the state of the nation
We just need some motivation

These eyes
Have seen no conviction
Just lies and more contradiction
So tell me what would you say
I'd say it's time
too late"

http://open.spotify.com/track/ 29GIkLWfzIXT56093eWUbg
"Suffering from something
We're not sure of
In a world
There is no cure for
These lives we live
Test negative for happiness
Flat line, no pulse, but eyes open
Single file like soldiers on a mission
If there's no war outside our heads
Why are we losing?

I don't ask for much (Life less)
Truth be told I'd settle (frightening)
For a life less frightening, (Life less)
A life less frightening (frightening)"

http://open.spotify.com/track/ 4Ho74JKvtWTHup9oOO165j
"And we don’t know why
The innocent die
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don’t know why,
But we know it’s not right
We don’t know why our friend had to die
We don’t know why our friend had to die

Hate has turned to others
For their religion or their skin
Hate can’t solve the problem it began
Everyone is angry
People are afraid
And no one knows what decisions will be made."

http://open.spotify.com/track/ 1E1AWEHY1dE2yg29RcqtzK
"Here's your introduction to destruction
& the hate sustaining me
Are we safer or in danger?
Drowning in atrocities?

Riot gear, the slaves are here
Piling corpses high
Its the rich man's war
But its the poor that fight
More capitalist crimes,
More enemies than allies

No WMD's - who gives a fuck
If they die
Just kill em all - watch em fall
Skin the world with their lies

Its a rich man's war
But its the poor that fight"

alla dom här låtarna har något gemensamt, vill ha fler om ni har tips ge mig! :)
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