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IEM Oakland 2017

Event overview

14 November 2017 - 20 November 2017
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Oakland, CA, United States


Intel Extreme Masters returns Oakland again on the 18th to 19th of November 2017. The tournament will feature some of the best teams in the world of CSGO, the line up will consist of 9 invited elite teams and another three teams coming for qualifiers to round up the 12 teams to be playing in the Oracle Arena in Oakland California.

With a $300,000 total prize pool and being apart of the Intel Grand Slam, this tournament is one to watch.

The Intel Grand Slam is achieved by winning 4 out of 10 consecutive premier events organized by ESL or Dreamhack, the team that achieves an Intel Grand Slam is awarded $1,000,000.

In addition to the Grand Slam and the Total Prize pool, the teams will be awarded $1,000 per group stage victory.


Group Stage

Two groups of 6 in a round robin format.

Best-of-one matches.

Top 3 out of each group proceed to the playoffs, Top team out of each group are seeded into the semi-finals.


Single Elimination bracket.

Best-of-three series up untill the finals, which is a best-of-five series.

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