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Info om helgens SK-jippo

Jag fick precis ett mail med lite mer detaljerad info om SK-kalaset på Stockholm EsportArena som säkerligen intresserar folk. Nedan ser ni bland annat vad man kan göra på plats och vad man kan vinna.
10:00 AM - Freeplay + Draft
11:00 AM - Toshiba Shootout
12:00 PM - Coached Teams Round 1
01:00 PM - Coached Teams Round 2
02:00 PM - Coached Teams Round 3
03:00 PM - Coached Teams Round 4
04:00 PM - Coached Teams Round 5
05:00 PM - Smash your old, get a SENSEI
06:00 PM - Photo Shooting with SK Sweden

Coached Teams:
Delpan, f0rest, face, GeT_RiGhT and RobbaN will pick their own 5-man-lineup as we'll be hosting our 'Coached Teams' tournaments featuring five teams a five players, each with one of our players as their coach. Drop in early in order to prove your skills for a guaranteed spot!

Toshiba Shootout:
Play on Toshiba's latest gaming notebooks against each other or SK Gaming. We'll be hosting various shootouts, mostly king-of-the-hill mode, and give you a hands-on on the brand-new SteelSeries SENSEI and some of GUNNAR's glasses. Also: create and edit your own frag movies thanks to Roxio's capture card software.

Smash your old, get a new:
Bring your old computer mouse, have it smashed on stage and get a brand-new SteelSeries SENSEI. To make this clear: only while supply lasts and we most likely won't be able to get all our visitors a new SENSEI. With that being said, have fun smashing!

Photo Shooting with SK:
To wrap things up, we'll be hosting a photo shooting featuring SK Gaming's Counter-Strike and our latest trophies from both IEM New York and ESWC2011. Dress up!

PRIZES (overall):
10x SK Qck+ Edition, 5x GUNNAR Glasses, 2x Roxio
Capture Card, 2x KingstoN SSD 120GB, 3x Kingston KHC 1600 CL8 8GB Kit, 1x Kingston KHC 1600 24GB Kit.

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