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1 848
1 654
8 927
Användarstatus Old School
Medlem sedan 2006-06-07
Senaste aktivitet 3265 dagar, 6 timmar, 26 minuter


UI: http://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/UI123.bmp


Hade inte kvar allt på datorn, men hittade hur man gör osvosv.

Keyclone tankar ni här:


How to use keyclone with World of Warcraft®:

* run keyclone
* run the WoW in Windowed mode (video setting, recommend 800x600 res)
* click 'Add' and then click on the window you wish to control
* - a list item should appear for that window
* - you may edit the name of the application to help keep track of which is which
* repeat for all your WoW clients
* now the main setup... WoW macros

setting up wow macros triggered by keyclone

In order to properly control your other characters, you must have them follow your main character and cast on the right targets. Warcraft® offers macros that can help make this happen.

(for this example, my lead character is named 'lyndsy')

* open the macros window (esc / macros)
* create a new macro, select an icon and name it (ie: assist leader)
* add your macro code (ie: /assist lyndsy)
* drag the icon into your action bar
* repeat for all characters except for the leader

do the same thing for the follow macro, but instead of '/assist lyndsy' it would be '/follow lyndsy'

For the basic setup, the assist and follow macro are the only two you'll need. when you are ready to attack a target, click on it with your main, then hit the button associated with 'assist.leader'... then just hit the fire button.

if you've done it right, all your clones should fire at the same target at the same time.

You can also combine macros, having the characters assisting your lead then casting.
For a full list of macro commands, I recommend: worldofwar.net

remember, in WoW when you hit an arrow key, your clones will stop following (as the just turned). you can add the arrows to the do-not-pass list, but i find it useful to be able to turn them in combat.

usage example

i use a wow /follow macro and when i move, i hit that and my clones follow me.

i also use the left+right mouse click-hold in wow to steer/drive. combined with the /follow, it works pretty well.

my next trick was to bind certain keys to various movements. i was triple boxing and one of the first things i normally do is bind a key to use to spread the clones out, and pull them back in. i used F12 to spread out and F11 to pull them in.

so.. i would go to the left clone, key bindings, and set strafe left secondary key to F12. on the right clone, i would set F12 for the strafe right. this would spread them out. (push and hold to watch them run). i did the same, but in reverse, for pulling them in using F11. the effect was like a -/+ combination.

so.. in using it.. i would hit follow... double mouse button drive to the enemy, hit F12 briefly, then a back arrow (puts my main next to the others)... click on target, hit my /assist key, then fire. dead target.

i also do pass the turn left/right keys so when i need to, i just spin them and keep firing. it does require you to un-learn using keys to steer, as they would fall off follow


as you progress, you'll find more ways of working with WoW... hopefully this will help get you up and running.
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Något gick fel när vi försökte ladda in tabelldatan. Försök igen.

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