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PUBG Recap Week 6: Bystanders taking the lead in the playoffs

A strong overall performance from the Danes awarded Bystanders with the number one spot after the first week of the Nordic Championship playoffs.
The playoffs are on! Here is a recap of what went down in the first week of the Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship playoffs.

A solid performance awards Bystanders with the number one spot

Consistency is indeed the key to success and Bystanders proved that by finishing in top positions on all four maps played in the first week of the playoffs.

The Danes started off by finishing fifth on the first map of the day and then improved for each map played. On the fourth and last map they claimed their first Chicken Dinner of the playoffs and solidified their first place in the tables.

Three contending teams scored more than 40 points

Bystanders lead is not the biggest. Only 10 points separates the danish team from the next in line, Rise and Wine, and 13 points to the 4th spot, Violet Aggressive Gorrilas.

VAG was at the top of the table during the regular season. They had a harder time during the first week but still see themselves in the top 5.

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