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PUBG Recap Week 4: Young Danes bouncing back to the top

Kitchen reigned supreme in the fourth week of Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship. But Young Danes are the ones on top of the table.
With only one more week to go before the playoffs, things are heating up in the Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship. Here is a recap of some of the action from last week’s matches.

Kitchen reigning supreme with 45 points – climbing to #5

The Finnish side Kitchen had a great start to the season finishing the first week of group play on top of the table. Heading into the fourth week of matches the team had dropped to position 8 after two not so successful weeks.

The fans of the season 6 champions were therefore happy to see that the team still got what it takes to be a top team. This week the Finns were phenomenal and racked up a total of 45 points, making them the highest scoring team of the week.

Kitchen claimed one Chicken Dinner on Miramar and had the highest kill count with 25 kills in total to their name. Thanks to the strong performance the team climbed from their 8th place to a 5th place in the leaderboards.

Young Danes are back in the driver’s seat

After dropping to a third place because of a less ideal performance on Miramar last week, the Young Danes proved once again that they are a force to be reckoned with. Even though the team continued their struggle on Miramar, the Danes had a great showing on Erangel claiming one Chicken Dinner and 14 kills over the games played on the map.

In total, Young Danes picked up 30 points this week which was the third most of all the participants. Because of this they managed to edge past both Violet Aggressive Gorillas and MSALIEN in the table which means that the team will enter the last week of the group play in the pole position.

The full group stage table can be viewed on Challengermode.

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