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Young Danes on top of the table after week 2 of PUBG Nordic Championship action

Young Danes are now on top of the table after a strong showing in the second week of Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship.
The second week of the Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship is finished and with this week’s matches played we have a new team on top of the table.

That team is Young Danes who climbed past Kitchen in the total standings. The Danes started off the second week with a third place in the first Erangel game being bested only by Formulation Gaming and Violet Aggressive Gorillas.

The team could not repeat their strong performance in the second Erangel game. Instead it was Sakura Zensen, MSALIEN and UnwantedGG who claimed the top three spots.

In the first Miramar the Young Danes were back on their feet and managed to grab their second chicken dinner for the season. Team Yeeep and Sakura Zensen followed with 12 and 8 points.

The last game was again won by Sakura Zensen who had a great performance throughout the day. Formulation Gaming managed once again to claim a top three spot along with Bystanders.

Kitchen, who was the best team in the first week, did not manage to secure a top placement in any of the games this week and are therefore falling to a fourth place in the total standings. The new top three consist of Young Danes with a total of 72 points (40 kills) followed by MSALIEN with 69 points (41 kills) and Formulation Gaming with 68 points (46 kills).

Himannen had a great performance individually this week and was a huge contributing factor to Sakura Zensen climbing from a 14th to a 5th place in the total standings. The Norwegian managed to snatch 12 kills and 2 assists this week.

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