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Young Danes gunning for top three in the Top Division Playoff

Young Danes has been flying under the radar in the PUBG Top Division Playoff and is currently sitting in fourth. We spoke to Mikzenn to hear his thoughts about the playoff.
Last week in the Top Division Playoff we saw Kitchen extend their lead in the top. We also saw SKADE create a gap down to third, but from third place all the way down to ninth there is only a 16-point gap. In Control is still sitting in third but are closely followed by another Danish Regional team – Young Danes, who finished second in their regional division and has been just as impressive in the Top Division Playoff. We spoke to Mikzenn from Young Danes after their impressive performance in the Top Division Playoff.

Before the first week, we expected at least top eight, so seeing us placed fourth with one week left is amazing. We didn't expect to play this well, due to a player change going into Top Division Playoffs, but we are more than happy to prove ourselves in Top Division, says Mikzenn.

What is it that has been working out so well for you?

The thing that has been working out so well for us these three weeks is that we trust and rely on each other so much. And if we die early in one of the matches, we are really good at just forgetting it and move on to the next match.

What are your expectations going into the final week?

Our expectations going into last week is getting into that top three. And it will not be easy, we still need a good week to get that top three since there is only 19 points between third and eleventh place.

Mikzenn also highlights that In Control, who finished before them in the Danish Regional Division, is one of the teams they have their eyes set on.

Our Danish fellas In Control, they are above us and is the team that we have to catch, they have been performing so well in this tournament and it’s great to see to many Danish players in the top.

Anything you would like to add?

We would like to thank Btmz for the help in the regionals, Btmz is a really nice guy to play and talk with in between the games, and we all enjoyed playing with him. We would also like to thank Timi for always being ready to sub no matter at what time we write to him, so big thanks to him.

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