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Kitchen grabs important points before the final week: “With a lead like ours we are very confident”

Week three of the PUBG Top Division Playoff is in the books and only one week remains before it is time to crown the champion of Fragleague Season 6.
Week three is over and it was Kitchen who performed the best in an important week for the battle at the top of the leaderboard. Kitchen grabbed an impressive 52 points and extended their lead over second place SKADE. SKADE now has a 29-point gap up to Kitchen in first, and a 20-point gap down to third place In Control, who managed to maintain their third place after week three. Young Danes managed to jump up to fourth place after grabbing the third most points in week three. Norsemen also had a great week and in game four they grabbed 13 kills even though they went out in eight place and is now sitting in fifth going into the last week.

You had the most points in week three and are now 29 points ahead of second place. How does that feel going into the last week? Do you feel you have secured the win already?

We feel good going into the last week with our current point lead over SKADE in second place. With a lead like ours we are very confident, but don't feel like we have already won. We'll be playing our best still next week as anything can really happen in PUBG. SKADE or anyone else could have a monster week and attempt to overtake us. We'll see who's the champion after the last four games but we're very confident that it will be us, says Rustanmar.

On the other end of the leaderboard Furafic Fark, who were dead last going into the last game in week three, managed to grab their first win in the Top Division Playoff with seven kills. With that win they closed in on the second last Teaminet and are now only four points behind.

w8 leaderboard

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