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In Control in third place in the Top Division Playoff: “We kind of exceeded our own expectations so far”

The winners of the Danish Regional Division, In Control, has been impressing in the PUBG Top Division Playoff of Fragleague Season 6 and is currently sitting in third place. We spoke to Kalli to hear his thoughts.
Back From Zharki grabbed the most points in week two of the Top Division Playoff, followed by Young Danes, Kitchen, and Diskvalificeret, but gathering the fifth most points of the week, was In Control. They also gathered the fifth most points in week one and is currently sitting in third place thanks to their consistency. In Control also won the Danish Regional Division and will be joining the teams in the Top Division next season.

We spoke to Kalli from In Control to hear his thoughts on their impressive showing so far.

You are currently sitting in third place, halfway through the final. What has been the recipe for your success?

We have been able to loot Pochinki and ex DA-split which has been crucial to our success so far. We have been able to get into good positions and stay four alive until late game, which is essential, says Kalli.

Kalli also explains that their strengths as a team have been their great chemistry. That even if someone makes a mistake, they can still move forward without it affecting them for the rest of the games.

This is critical, specially when we only play four games a day, it can quickly be very costly if you have two bad games.

What do you have to do, to catch up to Kitchen and SKADE?

Our points accumulated so far have been 50/50 in regards to placement-points and kill-points. We have been playing a bit too passive in some cases, where we could've been able to sweep through the zone and have a massive game. This is because it's a completely different game compared to regionals, if you make a mistake, you get punished. Therefore we weren't expecting to perform this well, we kind of exceeded our own expectations so far, since there are so many top teams playing. If we keep on playing our own game, with a bit more confidence, we are hoping to be the team to take down Kitchen from their first-place spot!

There is only two weeks left in the Top Division Playoff, and if In Control can catch up to Kitchen and SKADE, we will have to wait until Sunday to find out.

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