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Back From Zharki jumps eight spots on the leaderboard: “We played with a lot more confidence than last week”

We are halfway through PUBG Top Division Playoff of Fragleague Season 6 as the teams from the Regional Divisions start to climb up the leaderboard.
After week two Kitchen is still sitting in first place, as they continue to battle with SKADE in the top. In Control, the winners of the Danish Regional Division, was sitting in fifth before the week. In Control continued to climb the leaderboard in week two and is now in third after a solid performance.

Week two brought some changes in the standings. Some of the most notable changes was Back From Zharki and Young Danes who jumped from 13th and 14th place up to fifth and seventh respectively. Back from Zharki grabbed the most points in week two, tightly followed by Young Danes.

We asked Phon from Back From Zharki about their performance in week two.

We made sure that we got enough sleep and a good warmup before the games I think was a huge factor. We also haven’t played in lobbies of this tier in 1-2 years, so last week kinda gave us a confidence booster despite not getting many points, it became clearer how we could macro-play in this lobby. If anything, macro is easier in a better lobby because all the teams take it serious and the stuff they do makes sense. So we played with a lot more confidence than last week, says Phon from Back From Zharki.

What placement would you be satisfied with in the end?

Beforehand our goal was top eight since we are just coming back after a long break, but now I don't think we will be satisfied with anything below top four. And of course we always play to win.

Vis, Furafic Fark, and Teaminet were three teams that had a disappointing week. Vis, while playing as three-man, only managed to grab six points and fell from eight, all the way down to 14th place. Furafic Fark and Teaminet were already sitting at the bottom of the leaderboard going into week two. Furafic Fark only managed to grab 9 points, while Teaminet grabbed 13 points.

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