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arvid: "We would love to face Galaxy Racer in the final"

The Finns in SJ came in hot the semi-final of Fragleague Top Division on Sunday. They had revenge on their mind after losing to Lilmix in the semi-final, and the Finns were the better team all game through.
After a convincing group stage with only wins, the Swedes in Lilmix maybe came in as small favorites to the semi-final of the Top Division against the Finnish side SJ. The teams met in the group stage, where the Swedes came out victorious.

The semi-final started on Mirage, and it was the Finns who took control from the beginning. After some fantastic plays from Finnish awper AKE, SJ were able to take a comforting win on Mirage, 16-7. The second map to be played was Dust2, and that would turn out to be a totally different story.

On Dust2 Lilmix got a better start, and became a much more even map. Lilmix managed to take some clutch wins in the end of the map, and finally secure the map win, 16-13. The semi-final went to the third decider map of Overpass.

On Overpass SJ once again were in control of the match, and the Swedes had lost their momentum from Dust2. In the end it was a comfortable win for SJ on Overpass, once again 16-7. This is what SJ leader and player arvid had to say about the win in the semi-final, and their thoughts going forward:

"Feels good to be in the final. Reaching the final was our goal and we're happy with the result so far. Winning the final would just be a big plus. We would love to face Galaxy Racer, we haven't beaten them so it would be more exciting to play against them."

The second semi-final of Fragleague Top Division is played incoming Sunday between IQUE and Galaxy Racer. Don't miss out!

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