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Counter-Strike: GO

arvid: "The goal is to get to the final"

The Top Division of Fragleague is in the playoff phase, and we've now got the first quarterfinal in the books. On Sunday SJ and DREAM faced off in a real banger of a game.
The broadcasted semifinal on Sunday was the game between Finnish side SJ and the Danes from DREAM. On the first map of Nuke, the Finns took command from the beginning, and they would keep that momentum until the end of the map. After a dominating ct-side, SJ could wrap up the map and take a comforting 16-7 win.

On the second map of Overpass the roles were flipped, and it was DREAM:s turn to dominate. A good ct-side from the Danes, and they took home Overpass with the score 16-8, and the quarterfinal had to be determined on the decider map Dust2. Dust2 was a back and forth history, but after some greats rounds from Finnish awper AKE, SJ were able to win the map 16-14 and therefor move on to the semifinals.

This is what SJ player arvid had to say about the win and about going forward in the league:

"We thought that the win would come much easier but a win is a win. Goal is to get to the final. Winning the final would just be a huge plus."

The next quarterfinal will be played on Sunday the 30th of May at 16:30 CET, with IQUE facing off against Lemondogs. Tune in to twitch on Sunday to follow all the action.

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