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It came down to the final game – two teams squeeze into the Top Division Playoff

The last week in the PUBG Top Division group stage of Fragleague season 6 is in the books and there were some changes in the top eight, as some teams managed to grab a playoff spot by the skin of their teeth.
The group stage of the PUBG Top Division of Fragleague season 6 is in the books and it came down to the last game to decide which teams would make it to the Top Division Playoff. Kitchen, SKADE and Tempus were all basically guaranteed a playoff spot going into the last week of the group stage. Norsemen who felt the pressure going into the last week of the group stage was one of the teams that managed to stay in the top eight and grab a Top Division Playoff spot after grabbing an important win in the third game. YMCA Esports and Diskvalificeret also managed to maintain their spot after grabbing a few points in the last week.

However, in the bottom part of the top eight Vis and Uncut Jewelry managed to squeeze in after grabbing a win each. Any Trolls in Chat and Where Team had an underwhelming week, only grabbing twelve points each and therefor fell down to ninth and tenth place.

Bystanders grabbed the most points in the last week of the group stage with 40 points, but it still wasn’t enough to grab a Top Division Playoff spot, as they ended on 12th place. But it was enough to guarantee them a spot in the Top Division next season.

We caught up with Keano from Bystanders to hear his thoughts about the season.

– Throughout this season, we have had a lot going on besides Fragleague, which meant that our general goal with Fragleague was to use it as a practice-tool to experiment with some things, which could prove to be useful for us in the long run. We believe this is the main reason of our poor performance score-wise, so we're pretty content with our final placement, being able to keep our spot in Top Division and fight for the prize pool in the Regional Playoff, Keano explains.

Going into the Regional Playoff, what placement would you be satisfied with and what do you need to improve?

– We're looking to win the Regional Playoffs and will not be going into this round the same way as we did with the Top Division. For the Regionals Playoffs we have to change up our playstyle a bit and acknowledge that the general level is a bit lower than what we're used to. We have to adapt to the lobby if we want to be able to secure the number one spot.

Anything you would like to add?

– We would love to give a little shoutout to our newest member of the Bystanders, Elin “Ildara” Yoojung Moen, who is our new manager. She has been handling a ton of stuff for us behind the scenes and has been a huge help for us to be able to focus on our game.

The top eight teams making it to the Top Division Playoff is; Kitchen, Tempus, SKADE, Norsemen, YMCA Esports, Diskvalificeret, Uncut Jewelry and Vis, in that specific order. The ninth to twelfth place teams; Where Team, Any Trolls in Chat, Made in Malmö and Bystanders all managed to stay in the Top Division but has to settle for a spot in the Regional Playoff, together with the four relegated teams from the Top Division; FAKKAUR, Apeks, Team Clueless and WeGoKill.

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