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Fragleague champion receives a PUBG Continental Series 5 Europe Wildcard

For this upcoming season of Fragleague, we have partnered with PUBG to connect Fragleague to the official PUBG Continental Series 5 ecosystem. By competing in Fragleague S6 you will be competing for glory, prize money as well as a prestigious PUBG Continental Series 5 Europe Wildcard.
The sixth season of Fragleague marks the third year of the league. Our vision and goal were to create a league for everyone, no matter what skill level you are at. With Fragleague we believe that we have created a platform where everyone has the chance to begin their own esports journey. We have seen some undiscovered talents flourish and we have seen some players and teams cement themselves as some of the best in the Nordic region. But we have also seen our regional divisions grow in each country for every season that goes by.

Thanks to your dedication, feedback, and love we have together made Fragelague into what it is today and we are happy to announce that we are able to offer a PCS5 Europe Wildcard to the winners of Fragleague


To be eligible to claim your Wildcard after a successful season there are some conditions that need to be fulfilled by the winning team. These conditions are:

- All team members must be over 18 years old by the start date of the PCS5 Open

- A player who was previously banned by PUBG Corp. or by the PCS production
team and with his ban still valid in time on any of his accounts is not eligible to
take part in PCS and cannot be granted a Wildcard slot

- Players need to keep 3 out of the 4 players, who were assigned to the team main roster during the third party event. Otherwise they lose the Wildcard slot

- In case the Wildcard owner team disbands, the Wildcard slot loses effect and will no longer be used and cannot be transferred

- Players without organization can sign with a legal entity, but in this case they are transferring ownership of the slot to this legal entity. All transfers are required to be finished by the roster lock periods

What happens if the team that owns the Wildcard slot becomes unavailable to
participate in PCS?

The Wildcard loses effect and cannot be transferred to any other team.

What happens if a team tries to sell a PCS Europe Wildcard slot to another team?
The Wildcard slot is not transferable in any condition and does not have monetarily
value. If a team tries to sell a PCS Europe Wildcard slot, there could be penalties applied
and the slot revoked from that team.

Read more:
Pubgesports.eu - Introducing PCS Europe Wildcard
Fragleague.com - Format
Fragleague.com - Prize pool

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