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Made in Malmö putting the pieces together: “We finally got rolling”

Made in Malmö got the third most points during week three of the PUBG Nordic Top Division of Fragleague Season 6 and grabbed their first, much needed, win of the season. We caught up with Pikzen from Made in Malmö to hear his thoughts as the playoff inches closer.
Last week of the PUBG Nordic Top Division we saw SKADE gather the most points and climbing up the leaderboard. Norsemen and Made in Malmö also got some much needed points as they got second and third most points, respectively. The latter, Made in Malmö, also grabbed their first chicken dinner of the season, which sent them from thirteenth to tenth place. We spoke to Markus "Pikzen" Brännström from Made in Malmö to hear his thoughts.

– We finally got rolling, after having a rough start in the first eight games. The win we got can be put under the “free-win category”, but it is how the game is sometimes. We got the majority of our points from the other three games so that felt good. Going into this we were a pretty fresh team, with TCM (TrashCanMonster) re-joining and picking up HotNSpicy. We have been scrimming and playing PSL/GLL where we learned a lot about how we should play of our strengths more effectively, Pikzen explains.

You currently have 7 points up to eight place. How do your view your chances of grabbing a Top Division Playoff spot with only two weeks remaining?

– I mean, it is really tight in the standings and it can go either way. If we keep playing with confidence we will end on the upper half. Hopefully we get some momentum in the first games next week, that would help a lot. All I know is that it will be close in the end, for all the teams around the playoff spot.

What will you need to focus on going into the last two weeks?

– We have to keep on approaching bad shifts calmly and not make any stressed decisions. We also got PCS open qualifier this week and hopefully we can improve even more from that and have some confidence going into the remaining games in Fragleague.

Are there any team you are worried about?

– Hmm, not really. But I think SKADE is heavily underrated. Super solid team with good decision-making in most of the games.

Any final words?

– I wanna thank my teammates and friends for making PUBG so much fun. And thank you Fragleague for making me wake up in time on Sundays.

The battle for the playoff spots continues on Sunday, 16th of May, 13:00 CEST on Twitch.tv/Fragbite

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