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SKADE dominates week three – answers Team Clueless: “tick-tock, time is running out”

Week three of Fragleague PUBG Nordic Top Division is in the books. We caught up with the winners of the week, SKADE, to hear their thoughts.
In the first game of the day, we saw SKADE show their true potential, picking up the first win of week three. SKADE also finished second, fifth and sixth, picking up a total of 32 kills in the four games.

Before week three Team Clueless captain NHS called out SKADE. However, SKADE certainly answered the call and claimed the most points in week three with 53 points, and therefor jumping from eight up to third place, while Team Clueless only managed to grab 13 points and dropped from tenth to twelfth place.

We caught up with Anonymous from SKADE after their impressive performance in week three.

– In the first two weeks we were really struggling with the way we approach this Fragleague season, as the lobby’s playstyle differs a lot from what we are used to in the past months. Last Sunday we decided not to worry about our early game positioning as much and instead prioritise keeping everybody alive until the late game. We are happy to see it worked out better this way and we plan to keep this up for the rest of the season, Anonymous explains.

NHS from Team Clueless called you guys out before week three, did that motivate you guys? What do you have to say about it?

– To be honest we did not even know about his interview before Sunday’s games, but even if we did, we wouldn’t have been provoked by it. They may have a global level IGL and an ESL Masters champion in their line-up, but a mix team is still a mix team.

How will you keep your momentum or what will you focus on going into week four?

– We are just going to keep doing what has worked out so far and mentally prepare for the finals. The games being played so early in the day isn’t for everyone, so we plan on taking advantage of that by being fully awake to play.

Any final words?

– Thanks to Fragleague for staying loyal with PUBG and organising these leagues for us. Although we think there is still a lot to improve with the current format, it is a good idea to split the games into a group stage and finals. Also: Team Clueless tick-tock, time is running out.

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