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Fragleague: PUBG goes into the final week — Gabbie is the guest of honor

The second season of Fragleague is soon coming to end, but still, there are games to be played. On Sunday the PUBG Alpha Group will be wrapped up, and the famous streamer Gabriella "Gabbie" Berthagen joins the show.
Tomorrow, Sunday, Fragleague goes into a critical stage of the season. In PUBG we'll go into the last week of games, with Finnish side Quickmath at the moment in a comfortable lead. Anything is possible in the system used in Fragleague, so an upset is not plausible, but possible. The main contender 556 Mafia has to step up big time to be able to challenge the Finns. The winner will walk away with the first prize of 60 000 SEK. In CS:GO the action continues, and there are still some games left to be played. At the moment we find Ambush top of the table, followed by Lyngby Vikings.

The guest of the night is the popular Swedish streamer Gabriella "Gabbie" Berthagen. With over 100 000 followers on Twitch, she is one of the biggest streaming stars in Sweden. Recently she joined the discussion about the controversial story the national broadcasting network SVT did about streaming, twitch and donations. Join the show on Sunday to watch the conclusion of PUBG, some CS:GO action and what Gabbie has on her mind. The stream starts at 14:15 pm, and it is broadcasted on Twitch.tv.

Artikelbild: Tomas Ohlsson, Dagens Nyheter

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