PSP Uppgradering 3.03 OE-C
This is the 3.03 OE-C update.
It can be only installed as a full installation, due to some substantial changes in the bootstrap.
Both, update maker and the flasher work in 1.50, 2.71 SE (whatever version), and 3.02/3.03 OE (whatever version)
The instructions are as always:
- Copy oeupdmaker and oeupdmaker% to /PSP/GAME if you are in 1.50, or to /PSP/GAME150 if you are in
2.71 SE, 3.02 OE or 3.03 OE. Copy also the 1.50 and 3.03 updaters with the names 150.PBP and 303.PBP.
- Execute the update maker. It will generate the dxar file.
- Copy 303oeflasher and 303oeflasher% to /PSP/GAME (1.50) or to /PSP/GAME150 (2.71 SE, 3.0X OE).
Copy also the dxar file inside 303oeflasher.
- Execute the flasher and follow the instructions.
Så står det. Men ja vet inte va det menas med Execute the update maker (Ja har den inne i mitt PSP) Alltså finns en fil som heter Update Maker. (Öppnar den och ingenting händer efter 5 sekunder blir bara rutan svart) Får inga dxar filer. Kan ja få en länk med svenska instruktioner. Uppgradera från 2.71 till 3.03 OE-C!