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mSx was such an amazing player. easily one of my top10 favorites of all time to play the game. he was the french version of f0rest and it was only a shame that he never had a team where he could realise his full potential. he could've won so much more than he did in his career.
even after his time in emuLate he caused some great upsets with oXmoze/Mojawi/Virus. the fragmovie by FistOr kinda tells the whole story.
WCG in Seattle isn't anythint to celebrate or consider as good win. All good teams where eliminated after american or korean asslicking to american admins and Korean event people. All teams used bad jumping, but the team that first complained about it won the match. All the good teams won the matches, but lost in conflicts. So therefor no good teams in the top 4. Such a bad event. We filmed it, but after that we wasn't allowed in too the tournament area anymore...
I hold WCG 2007, Seattle as one of the worst event ever with Euro Cyber Games 2003, Paris. The event that never took place. Since the admins did find it more importent to drink then to set up PC's. All teams attending shared the prize money and went home after waiting for 3 days.
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Awesome article Thorin!
mSx was truly a beast. Does he still play btw?
even after his time in emuLate he caused some great upsets with oXmoze/Mojawi/Virus. the fragmovie by FistOr kinda tells the whole story.
I hold WCG 2007, Seattle as one of the worst event ever with Euro Cyber Games 2003, Paris. The event that never took place. Since the admins did find it more importent to drink then to set up PC's. All teams attending shared the prize money and went home after waiting for 3 days.