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Fragbite Masters will be back


Purchase an FBM tee and join the raffle for a signed Gold Foil t-shirt

During the Fragbite Masters LAN finals and its aftershock, you are able to buy a limited edition Fragbite Masters t-shirt, which gives you a spot in a raffle for a unique golden shirt signed by professional CS:GO players!
Right now, the Fragbite Masters Season 5 LAN finals are underway, with some of the most exciting CS:GO one can experience. We don't only offer great matches, however, as we're offering limited editions Fragbite Masters t-shirts for sale in cooperation with Teespring and Twitch.

Over on our Twitch channel, as well as via the picture underneath this text, you have the opportunity to buy a Fragbite Masters t-shirt. The cost is $22, including a shipping charge. You better hurry up though, as the shirt will only be available for purchase until Wednesday. But this is not all!

When you buy a shirt, you get to enter a raffle held by Teespring, where one lucky winner will get a completely unique gold edition ("Gold Foil") of the Fragbite Masters shirt signed by a number of professional players who are at the Fragbite Studios throughout the weekend. All you need to do to be a part of the raffle follows.
1. Buy a Teespring Fragbite Masters t-shirt.
2. Receive the t-shirt.
3. Upload a picture on Twitter where you wear the shirt, and tag the post with #FBMraffle.
4. Wait until January 1st to see if you've won an exclusive Gold Foil Fragbite Masters t-shirt signed by professional players.

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