Following yesterday's 0-2 loss against NiP Gaming the Danish team SK Gaming seemed to have been reborn when the competition continued earlier this saturday. In a battle of Denmark against Question Mark the players of SK showed absolutely no mercy, totally crushing their fellow Danes with 16-2 on the first map, being Cache.
The game resumed after a short pause for the players and things were getting serious. Question Mark were only one map loss away from being out of the tournament, meanwhile the SK players could focus on completing their upset by saying bye bye to their fellow countrymen. But it didn't go SK's way on Train. Starting as the less favored offensive side they had a hard time getting true Question Mark's defensive lines, leaving the underdog trailing with 2-13 after the first half. Despite of a totally crazy defuse while standing next to an opponent, SK Gaming failed to make a comeback and Question Mark won.
The above results meant that we got our first game playing all three maps, and with that we saw Mirage once again be loaded on to the server. SK Gaming started as the defending team and once again they managed to secure a small lead heading in to the second half. And what an half that was. Question Mark and SK took turns getting a small advantage but the underdogs of SK stod for an impressive performance when they secured their 16th round and with that also a spot in tomorrows consolidation match. This means that Question Mark are out of the tournament, following the loss against Fnatic yesterday and today's surprise loss against their Danish rivals in SK Gaming.
SK: AcilioN, cadiaN, Friis, Magiskb0Y, MODDII
?: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x
We have one more match coming up today when we head north to see the battle of Sweden take place, as NiP Gaming and Fnatic fight for a spot in tomorrows grand final.
NiP: allu, f0rest, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, Xizt
Fnatic: flusha, JW, olofm, krimz, dennis
Please visit the Fragbite Masters LAN finals viewer's guide for more information about this weekends 500 000 SEK finals. Stay on for the latest news covering the event.
The game resumed after a short pause for the players and things were getting serious. Question Mark were only one map loss away from being out of the tournament, meanwhile the SK players could focus on completing their upset by saying bye bye to their fellow countrymen. But it didn't go SK's way on Train. Starting as the less favored offensive side they had a hard time getting true Question Mark's defensive lines, leaving the underdog trailing with 2-13 after the first half. Despite of a totally crazy defuse while standing next to an opponent, SK Gaming failed to make a comeback and Question Mark won.
The above results meant that we got our first game playing all three maps, and with that we saw Mirage once again be loaded on to the server. SK Gaming started as the defending team and once again they managed to secure a small lead heading in to the second half. And what an half that was. Question Mark and SK took turns getting a small advantage but the underdogs of SK stod for an impressive performance when they secured their 16th round and with that also a spot in tomorrows consolidation match. This means that Question Mark are out of the tournament, following the loss against Fnatic yesterday and today's surprise loss against their Danish rivals in SK Gaming.
Saturday the 5th of December
SK Gaming vs.
SK: AcilioN, cadiaN, Friis, Magiskb0Y, MODDII?: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x
We have one more match coming up today when we head north to see the battle of Sweden take place, as NiP Gaming and Fnatic fight for a spot in tomorrows grand final.
NiP Gaming vs.
NiP: allu, f0rest, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, XiztFnatic: flusha, JW, olofm, krimz, dennis
Please visit the Fragbite Masters LAN finals viewer's guide for more information about this weekends 500 000 SEK finals. Stay on for the latest news covering the event.
9/10 spelare i lagen är av dansk härkomst.
god jul.
(På svenska)
Fragbite Fråga Mark packar sina väskor efter en chockerande förlust mot turneringar underdogs i SK Gaming. Nästa upp är kampen Sverige mellan NiP Gaming och Fnatic.
Efter gårdagens 0-2 förlust mot NiP Gaming det danska laget SK Gaming tycktes ha varit pånyttfödd när tävlingen fortsatte tidigare denna lördag. I en strid Danmark mot frågetecken spelarna i SK visade absolut ingen nåd, helt krossa sina kolleger danskar med 16-2 på den första kartan, som Cache.
Spelet återupptas efter en kort paus för spelarna och saker fick allvarliga. Fråga Mark var bara en karta förlust från att vara ute ur turneringen, under tiden SK spelarna skulle kunna fokusera på att slutföra sin upprörd genom att säga bye bye till sina landsmän. Men det gick inte SK sätt på tåg. Börjar som mindre gynnade offensiva sidan de hade svårt att få riktig fråga Mark defensiva linjer, lämnar underdog släpande med 2-13 efter första halvleken. Trots en helt galen desarmera när du står bredvid en motståndare, SK Gaming misslyckats med att göra en comeback och frågetecken vann.
Ovanstående resultat innebar att vi fick vår första spel alla tre kartor, och som vi såg Mirage åter lastas på servern. SK Gaming började som det försvarande laget och än en gång de lyckats säkra en liten ledning på väg in i andra halvlek. Och vad en hälften var. Frågetecken och SK turades få en liten fördel men underdogs i SK Stod för en imponerande prestation när de säkrade sin 16: e omgången och därmed också en plats i morgondagens konsolidering match. Detta innebär att frågetecken är ute ur turneringen, efter förlusten mot Fnatic igår och dagens överraskning förlust mot sina danska konkurrenter i SK Gaming.