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Fragbite Masters will be back


Fnatic triumphs over ? in the FBM Finals

Fnatic joins NiP Gaming in tomorrows winner's match making it a battle of Sweden. This is the result of Fnatic defeating Question Mark in today's second game of the Fragbite Masters LAN Finals.
The "el Classico" of Fragbite Masters between the Swedes in Fnatic and the Danish team temporary under the name of Question Mark (ex. Team SoloMid) started up on Cache. Starting as the defensive side, Question Mark was looking for an early advantage against the DreamHack Winter winners. But the advantage came to lie in the lap of Fnatic when the first half of the map was over. Fnatic could then follow up a strong T side with an equally strong CT side, Olof "olofmeister" Kajbjer being one of the players really delivering for the Swedes in the 16-11 win.

The players of Question Mark seemed to bounce back immediately when they started as the offensive side on Mirage, but when in the lead with 7-2 the Danes choked. Fnatic started to win round after round and they were all of a sudden in the lead when the first half had come to an end. Question Mark then desperately needed a good start if they were to force the game to a third map, but the Danes fell short once again. Fnatic was the stronger team overall and won the second map with the score 16-10.

Sverige Fnatic vs. Danmark ?

Fnatic: flusha, JW, olofm, krimz, dennis
?: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x

This concludes the first day of the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 5 LAN Finals. The tournament will resume at 14:30 CET tomorrow with the all Danish loser's match between SK Gaming and Question Mark. This is followed by a Swedish winner's match later in the evening. However, make sure to tune in at 14:00 CET as the broadcast kicks of 30 minutes prior to the first game.

Saturday the 5th of December

Danmark SK Gaming vs. Danmark ?

SK: AcilioN, cadiaN, Friis, Magiskb0Y, MODDII
?: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x

Sverige NiP Gaming vs. Sverige Fnatic

NiP: allu, f0rest, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, Xizt
Fnatic: flusha, JW, olofm, krimz, dennis

Please visit the Fragbite Masters LAN finals viewer's guide for more information about this weekends 500 000 SEK finals. Stay on Fragbite.se/Masters for the latest news covering the event.

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