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Fragbite Masters will be back


TSM take the last spot for Fragbite Masters LAN finals

The online phase of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 5 is over, and last season's champions in Team SoloMid grab the final spot for this weekend's LAN finals.
We have our four finalists! After a tough battle against the Swedish lineup of DenDD, the reigning Fragbite Masters champions have managed to grab the fourth and final spot for this weekend's LAN finals. Starting on Friday, Team SoloMid will fight against their arch rivals in Fnatic, their countrymen in SK Gaming as well as the superstar team NiP Gaming.

Fragbite Masters Season 5 LAN finalists

Sverige Fnatic
flusha, JW, olofm, krimz, dennis
Sverige NiP Gaming
allu, f0rest, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, Xizt
Danmark SK Gaming
AcilioN, cadiaN, Friis, Magiskb0Y, MODDII
Danmark Team SoloMid
cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x

TSM vs. DenDD could have gone either way

In tonight's showdown between Team SoloMid, who placed second in the Blue Bracket and therefore had a spot in the online consolidation final, and DenDD, the runner-ups of the Orange Bracket, things ended a bit unexpected. Although the opening map Cache went TSM's way with a comfortable 16-9 result, as many had predicted, DenDD proved themselves in the upcoming maps.

On the following Inferno, Team SoloMid looked like they would take the series in a convincing 2-0 fashion when they got a solid 11-4 lead in half time after playing as CT. However, DenDD really put a whole new gear in and defended the bombsites flawlessly. They won twelve straight rounds to make a clean comeback and force the game to a third deciding map.

The momentum of the win on Inferno really moved over to the final map, which was Overpass. On the terrorist side, DenDD got a staggering 11-4 lead in half time. By now, one would think the upset was real, but you should never take Counter-Strike for granted. TSM started winning terrorist sides of their own, and eventually got the match to overtime. In this MR3 decider, Team SoloMid proved to be slightly better, winning it 4-1.

Sverige DenDD vs. Danmark Team SoloMid

DenDD: twist, zende, BENDJI, Dumas, robiin
TSM: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x

As previously mentioned, this means we have our four LAN finalists ready for battle. This Friday, the 4th of December, Fnatic, NiP Gaming, SK Gaming and Team SoloMid will be on site at the Fragbite Studios in Stockholm, Sweden to fight for the 500,000 SEK prize pool. The finals will be three days long, ending on Sunday evening, and of course broadcasted with top-notch production, casters and personalities. More information will be released tomorrow. Don't miss it!

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