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Fragbite Masters will be back

Heroes of the Storm

Time for the FBM Heroes of the Storm main tournament

Team Spartanien and Virtus.pro grab the final seats for the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 5 Heroes of the Storm tournament. Tonight, we kick off the main tournament with Group A.
The second qualifier to the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 5 Heroes of the Storm tournament has been settled. Team Spartanien managed to qualify via a win against Kiev6-1 in the qualifier semi final, while Virtus.pro proved to be the better team against TCM-Gaming, securing the final spot. This means these two teams have been handed a spot in Group B, together with Team Dignitas and Natus Vincere.

Group A

Spanien Team Liquid
LucifroN, VortiX, Lowell, GerdamHerd, Cris
Polen G2 Esports
Leofromkorea, Nicker, Szychu, Jowe, Baczek
Tyskland ROCCAT
HasuObs, SportBilly, Redx, Socke, GranPkt
Sverige Fnatic
Smexystyle, Shad, Quackniix, Ménè, Breez

Group B

Storbritannien Team Dignitas
Bakery, Atheroangel, Snitch, adrd, Zarmony
Europa Na`Vi
scHwimpi, ethernal, JayPL, Splendour, AlexTheProG
Tyskland Team Spartanien
Nurok, Blumbi, Wubby, Crozzby, Darkmok
Ryssland Virtus.pro
Unnstable, CEBKAJE, bkbgrnrjefek, AndyLendi, PowerOfDream

Group A starts tonight

Tonight, the main tournament kicks off with Group A first out. There, Team Liquid, G2 Esports, ROCCAT and Fnatic will fight for the two spots in the semi final. The first round will start at 18:00 CET, where the invited Team Liquid and G2 Esports will face Fnatic and ROCCAT, respectively. After that, the winner's and loser's match will be played at 20:00 CET, and finally the consolidation match will be played at 22:00 CET.

Unfortunately, not all matches can be streamed, but Thomas "Khaldor" Kilian and Chris "Tetcher" Ivermee will proved you with commentary in three of them via FragbiteLive.

Spanien Team Liquid vs. Sverige Fnatic

Liquid: LucifroN, VortiX, Lowell, GerdamHerd, Cris
fnatic: Smexystyle, Shad, Quackniix, Ménè, Breez

Polen G2 Esports vs. Tyskland ROCCAT

G2: Leofromkorea, Nicker, Szychu, Jowe, Baczek
ROCCAT: HasuObs, SportBilly, Redx, Socke, GranPkt

Winner's match

Loser's match

Consolidation match

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