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Fragbite Masters will be back

Heroes of the Storm

The open qualifiers for Fragbite Masters HotS starts tonight!

In one hour we will be going live with the first Heroes of the Storm qualifier for Fragbite Masters!
Tonight we will be broadcasting our first open bracket qualifier where two teams will be advancing on to the main tournament and the chance to fight for the 8700 dollar prize pool.

A total of 29 teams signed up for today's qualifier and some of the notable sign-ups are: Virtus.pro, Fnatic, ROCCAT and Spartanian, which ensures we will be having a more than entertaining night of games lined up for you! For a full overview of the teams that have signed up, please check out either of the following links:


Sign up for Qualifier #1
• Sign up for Qualifier #2
As we mentioned yesterday the action will be brought to you live from our Stockholm studio and will feature Thomas "Khaldor" Kilian and Christopher "Tetcher" Ivermee!

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