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An update on Season 10 of Fragleague

A message to our community.
Dear Fragleague community,

We would like to inform you that the 10th season of Fragleague has been postponed indefinitely. This means that there will be no Fragleague competitions this spring and it has not yet been decided if and when the season will be played.

“The Nordic esport scene has developed a lot since Fragleague was introduced back in 2018 and I think Fragleague has been a contributing factor to this. In the beginning of 2023 we started extensive work on further developing our tournaments and as part of that work we have decided to put Fragleague on pause. This allows us to focus on how Fragbite can best develop and improve our presence on the Nordic scene”, Joakim Jansson, Head of Esport at Fragbite, says.

The teams who qualified for a spot in Season 10 of Fragleague was informed earlier today in the Fragleague Discord channel. If you are a participant of Fragleague and have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact joakim@fragbite.com for more information.

Any further news regarding Fragleague will be posted here and in the Fragleague Discord channels.

The Fragleague team

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