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PUBG Recap Week 8: Young Danes heading into the final playoff week in the front seat

Young Danes are looking to secure their first Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship title.
With just one more week left to play in the Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship, last season’s runner-up Young Danes managed to bypass the reigning champions in the standings. Here is a recap of the PUBG action from last week’s playoff matches.

Young Danes heading into the last week on top of the table

Last season’s runner-up Young Danes will be in the front seat heading into the last playoff matches of the season. The Danes had a strong performance this Sunday and managed to secure a total of 44 points over the 4 matches.

At the same time the reigning champions Violet Aggressive Gorillas did not have their best performance and only managed to secure 30 points in total this week. Thanks to this, Young Danes are now on the top of the table with 130 total points versus VAG:s 124.

Bystanders falling behind again – losing the third spot to Rise And Win

Bystanders, who started off the playoffs in a superior way, continue to have a hard time. This Sunday they once again were at the lower end of the standings, only managing to claim a total of 16 points.

Because of this, Bystanders lost their third place in the table to Rise And Win who secured one Chicken Dinner this week and racked up a total of 32 points – second best of all teams this week.

Another strong performance from Kitchen – can they climb to the top?

After a somewhat slow start to the playoffs, Kitchen has really picked up the pace. The team claimed one Chicken Dinner this week which helped them secure 32 points in total – the same amount as Rise And Win.

Thanks to this week’s strong performance, Kitchen climbed from a 7th to a 5th place in the leaderboards. Even though it’s a far way up to Bystanders sitting in 4th place, Kitchen do have a shot at making a top place finish this season.

The Fragleague PUBG Nordic Championship will be decided on Sunday 18th December. The first match is scheduled for 13:30 CET.

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