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CS:GO Recap Week 8: Goodfellas upset the Danes – advance to the grand final

For the first time in Fragleague history we have a Swedish derby in the CS:GO grand finals.
The talented Swedish side Goodfellas is the second finalist of the Fragleague CS:GO Nordic Championship. This week the team defeated the Danish team Hvor Er Du Bro? in the second semifinal of the tournament.

This means that the grand final will be a Swedish derby where the reigning champions Lilmix face off against Goodfellas. The finals will be played Sunday 18th December with a scheduled start time of 16:30 CET.

The second semifinal started on the Dane’s map pick Vertigo which proved to be a tough map for Goodfellas. The Swedish side only managed to win six rounds on the map which ended with a convincing win for Hvor Er Du Bro?.

Goodfellas had a stronger performance on their own map pick Ancient. A fine opening T side, where the team took nine rounds, laid the foundation for the equaliser. The map ended 16-13 to Goodfellas and the duo Markus "upE" Johansson and Jacob "jocab" Nerheden topped the scoreboard with 24 kills each.

The semifinal was decided on Inferno which also proved to be a close map. Again, it was Goodfellas who had the superior start by winning nine T rounds in the first half. Despite a lost pistol round in the second half, the Swedes were able to hold off and finally close the match with a 16-12 score.

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