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CS:GO Recap Week 7: Lilmix to defend their Nordic Championship title

The reigning champions of Fragleague Nordic Championship is the first team to secure a spot in the grand finals.
Lilmix is the first team to secure a spot in the Fragleague CS:GO Nordic Championship finals. The Swedes won their semifinal versus last season’s runner-up Conquer Gaming with a 2-0 score.

The semifinal kicked off on Conquer Gaming’s map pick Inferno. The first half of the map ended with a 8-7 for the Finns but a great performance on the T-side from Lilmix in the second half granted the team the lead after a 16-13 score.

On Dust2 the Swedes were dominant. The former Fnatic star Jack “Jackinho” Ström Mattson proved himself with the AWP and led the way with 21 kills as Lilmix secured the map win 16-4.

Next Sunday we have the second semifinal played out as two young and promising teams go up against each other. The Danes Hvor Er Du Bro?, who didn’t lose a single match in the group stage, face off against the Swedish side Goodfellas.

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