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Announcing: Fragleague Season 8

The largest esports league in the Nordics is back for another season with a total prize pool of 630 000 SEK.
Key points:
  • Fragleague S8 will be played between April - June 2022.
  • We will broadcast more Fragleague matches than ever before.
  • We have renamed our divisions to make their names more accurate.
  • If you are a Fragleague participant, join our official Discord.

Fragleague returns with a new CS:GO and PUBG season

The next season of Fragleague will be played from April to June 2022. The titles played this season are CS:GO and PUBG. As always we will also have a third surprise title announced in a later stage. The total prize pool for this season will be 630 000 SEK.

All our current and newly qualified participants, stay tuned in our official Discord where our admin team will reach out to you regarding your participation in season 8 of Fragleague.

This season we are making two larger changes that we think will greatly improve Fragleague.

Improving the Fragleague division names

Top Division might have been a decent name in our earlier seasons, but over time we have proven that Fragleague’s highest division is so much more. Fragleague has grown into a true Nordic championship and therefore only one name describes the highest division in the Nordics accurately. Therefore we are renaming the Top Division to Fragleague Nordic Championship.

But what about the regional divisions? Well they will change names as well. From this season they will be both shorter and make more sense. Instead of the dull and too long “Fragleague PUBG/CS:GO Regional Division Countryname” we now present the fancy and to-the-point:

Old nameNew name
Fragleague Top DivisionFragleague Nordic Championship
Fragleague Regional Division SwedenFragleague Sweden
Fragleague Regional Division DenmarkFragleague Denmark
Fragleague Regional Division FinlandFragleague Finland
Fragleague Regional Division NorwayFragleague Norway

We are very happy to announce that this season there will be more broadcasted Fragleague games than ever before. We believe that the participating teams and their fans deserve even more airtime than what we provided before. Therefore, this season we will broadcast all matches in Fragleague Nordic Championship and all matches in Fragleague Sweden, both in CS:GO and PUBG, live with commentators on Twitch.

Make sure to follow Fragleague on Twitter to stay up to date with all news regarding Fragleague.

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