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Rise And Win climb the PUBG Top Division Playoff leaderboards — Apeks still on top

The Finnish team climbed from 14th place to a top position.
In the second round of the PUBG Top Division playoffs the Finnish team Rise And Win had a phenomenal performance and managed to climb to the third place on the leaderboards. The Finns dominated on Miramar and claimed two straight chicken dinners on the map.

The first two games were played on Erangel and in the first game Skade took their first map win of the playoffs. The overall leaders Apeks managed to win the second game on Erangel and are currently on 95 total points, putting them 14 points ahead of Skade.

Top Division Standings as we head into Round 8 of the Playoffs
Top Division Standings as we head into Round 8 of the Playoffs

The next playoff day is on Sunday the 5th of December at 13:00 CET. You can watch all of the playoff matches on the Fragbite Twitch channel.

Make sure to follow Fragleague on Twitter and Facebook to never miss any Fragleague related news.

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