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Counter-Strike: GO

HENU: " I expect an easy and clean 2-0 for us."

The second and last semi-final of the year in the Fragleague Top Division will be played tomorrow. It's favorites Galaxy Racing facing off against Finnish side IQUE.
Sunday at 16:30 it's go time between the Swedes in Galaxy Racer and the Finnish side IQUE. Galaxy Racer who still are unbeaten in the tournament, maybe can be seen as slight favorites going into this game.

IQUE who beat Lemondogs in the quarter-final had a different opinion about who should be seen as the favorites. This is what their player HENU had to say about the upcoming game:

"I think Galaxy Racer is an underdog coming in to this matchup and I expect an easy and clean 2-0 for us."

There seems to be no lack of confidence in the Finns after beating Lemondogs in the quarter-final. Galaxy Racer manager Bonafide also felt confident going into the semi-final:

"Like I've said, we're here to win. So I expect a 2-0. But they have some talent that can shoot. But so do we, and we have the structure to shut them down."

To see who's right, tune into twitch today Sunday at 16:30 pm, to catch all the action.

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