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Galaxy Racer manager: "Feels good to clean the group. We're here to win"

An abundance of games has been played in the Fragleague Top Division. We're closing in on the playoffs, and after the past couple of days of games, the groupstage is now finished.
With three games played on Sunday and one Monday, the Top Division for sure is in full action. One game was played in Group B when group leaders Lilmix took on bottom team Sygytt. Lilmix showed without much effort why they are the leaders of the group and Sygytt are not. 2-0 victory for Lilmix and they are know directly qualified for the semifinals.

In Group A three games has been played since Sunday, with Familia and Lemondogs playing two each, one being against each other. In the broadcasted game of Sunday, table leaders Galaxy Racer beat Lemondogs with a 2-0 map score. This is what Galaxy Racer manager had to say after Sunday's broadcasted game and now going forward:

"We really struggled on Overpass T side which is one of our strongest.
But the boys never gives up on a match and fought well to push them into Overtime.
After we won Overpass. Inferno, which we've struggled on recently but made some changes to, was done and dusted. Feels good to clean the group. And like chawzyyy said. We're here to win."

Lemondogs were able to bounce back on Monday, when they also beat Familia with 0-2, once again with one map going to overtime. Familia are therefore eliminated from Fragleague, when they lost to Danish team DREAM on Sunday. This means that Lemondogs and DREAM are qualified for the quarterfinals.

The groupstage is now done and we move on to the playoffs. Galaxy Racer and Lilmix are qualified directly for the semifinals. Meanwhile IQUE will matchup against Lemondogs in quarterfinal number one, and DREAM will face off against SJ in quarterfinal number two. The playoffs starts on May 23.

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