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SKADE wins second week in a row: “Thank you to all the SKADE fans, we see and appreciate the support!”

SKADE wins week four as they claim the most points for the second week in a row in the PUBG Nordic Top Division of Fragleague Season 6.
It was a week to remember for SKADE once again, as they claimed the most points for their second week in a row. SKADE managed to grab a total of 51 points and is now sitting comfortably in second place, just behind Kitchen.

Other than SKADE, Uncut Jewelry, YMCA Esports and AnyTrollsInChat also grabbed a chicken dinner each which gave the teams some much needed points going into the final week before the Top Division Playoff. Where Team also grabbed the third most points during the week thanks to some consistent placements which put them in fifth place heading into the final week. We asked SKADE’s coach SauKKi about their performance in week four.

– I think the key to our success is the simple straightforward game style where we don't hesitate to make the plays. We are confident of winning every fight and trust the vision and ideas of every player. Also, we fixed some morning routines after the first two weeks that didn't go that well. Now we have been able to have 100% focus already on the first games. It is really nice to see things working out well before the Top Division Playoff and other important tournaments, SauKKi explains.

You are basically guaranteed a Top Division Playoff spot. What is your goal? What placement would you be satisfied with?

– For the groups we didn't have any goals, but just to fix some problems we have had in the previous seasons. The problems were mostly about the early time of the start and the varied level of the teams. We have now fixed those problems and stand strong for the Playoffs. All we can do for the Playoffs is to keep playing the simple game style and improving on the small errors. We all know the result if we can keep our heads cool. Having the pressure of winning have just made things worse in the previous seasons so we will just go and play our own game play and see the result after the end.

Anything you would like to add?

– It has been really nice to see so many fans during the games in the chat. It means the world to us. So thank you to all the SKADE fans, we see and appreciate the support!

Kitchen, SKADE and Tempus are currently sitting comfortably in the standings with only one week remaining before the Top Division Playoff. From fourth place YMCA Esports down to tenth place Vis there is only a 24 point difference.

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