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Galaxy Racer manager: "We play to win Fragleague."

Three games has been played in the last two days of the Fragleague Top Division. Galaxy Racer was in the spotlight, and with to comfortable victories, they are now secured for the playoffs.
Galaxy Racer was one of the absolute favourites going into this season of the Fragleague Top Division, and it's becoming more clearly why. On Thursday and Friday, they played two games in Group A, coming easily on top in both of them. On Thursday they faced off against Danish side DREAM, who they beat 2-0 in maps, 16-8 and 16-4.

On Friday they continued their momentum when they beat the Norwegians in FOXED 2-0, with some more effort with the second map going to overtime. With that Galaxy Racer are unbeaten and on top of the group, and they are secured for the playoffs. This is what Galaxy Racer manager had to say about the game against DREAM and their attitude going forward this season:

"The boys were relaxed and played with confidence against DREAM. We had fun with the game. Easy 2-0. We play to win Fragleague."

In Group B one game was played yesterday, the derby between Finnish sides IQUE and SJ. Maybe a bit unexpectedly IQUE beat SJ quite convincingly with a 2-0 map score. This meaning that IQUE is also set for the playoffs. On the Sunday the action continues with the broadcasted game Galaxy Racer vs. Lemondogs.

The complete tables of the groups: Group A and Group B

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