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Team Clueless gunning for the playoff – NHS: “SKADE we coming for that playoff spot!”

Week three of the Nordic PUBG Top Division of Fragleague Season 6 is around the corner. We caught up with NHS from Team Clueless who is currently sitting in tenth place, to talk about their Top Division Playoff chances.
Last week we saw Kitchen and Tempus create bit of a gap in the top of the leaderboard, but from third to eight place it is still extremely tight. SKADE is currently sitting in eight place with eight points down to ninth.

As week three inches closer we decided to talk to one of the teams sitting at the bottom half of the leaderboard before the playoffs. We asked NHS, the captain for Team Clueless who is sitting in tenth place, about their chances to reach the Top Division Playoff.

– Yeah, we had a rough start. But we don’t see ten points up to eight with twelve games left as a problem. One good game is all it takes, says NHS.

What do you think has been your biggest struggle so far?

– We have been unlucky in the timings and lost one or two guys in rotations etcetera, in combination with some rough hardshifts when having the center spot in circle two and three.

What do you have to focus on to finish in the top eight and grab a spot in the Top Division Playoff?

– We have to focus on keeping four alive and to win our fights.

How is it playing with a star-player like PurdyKurty? What does he contribute to the team?

– Oh, to play with Kurt is a pleasure. He is such a smart player and makes really good calls. He also shoots really hard. He brings joy to the team and he is a really humble guy and I think he will fit with any player playing this game. He has huge experience from tough situations like the one we are in now, so I am just glad to have this guy in our team. This man is a mad-lad, waking up 05.30 in the morning to play a Nordic tournament says it all.

Any final words or thoughts?

– I really think Fragbite is doing a great job. And I want to thank all the hard-working people around it for such an amazing tournament. Also: SKADE we coming for that playoff spot!

With week three around the corner and the leaderboard being so close, it might be safe to say we could see some changes in the standings.
The battle continues as week three starts on Sunday, 9th of May.
Time: 13.00 CEST
Watch at: Twitch.tv/Fragbite
Prizepool: Read more
Format: Read more
Leaderboard: View here

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